
How To Add A Credit Card To Square Cash

Manage Payment Types with the Square App

Customize your checkout screen by toggling and reordering what Payment Types are available at checkout. Past default, each payment type will be enabled - including cash and check for recording purposes just.

Payment Types

Other Payment Types

To keep your payment records in 1 identify, you can utilise Square to record and track cash, checks, gift cards from third-party services, and other types of payments.

There is no fee to accept cash, check, or other tender. When you accept other tender types, Square doesn't process any funds and functions just as an organizational tool for recording purposes. Money for these transactions are exchanged directly between you and your customer and will not be transferred by Square.

Customize Payment Types

  1. From the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen, tap More.

  2. Tap Settings > Checkout > Payment Types.

  3. To rearrange, elevate and drop past tapping the three horizontal lines side by side to the Payment Type name.

  4. Tap the toggle button to the correct of the Payment Blazon to add or remove information technology from your checkout screen.

  5. Utilise the Preview push at the superlative of the screen to preview your new checkout screen.

Payment Type Preview in iOS

Notation: Any edits made to one device will reflect on all other devices linked to that location, including devices using Restaurants or Retail.

To restrict staff access to edit Payment Types, disable Modify Settings in your Squad Member Permissions.

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How To Add A Credit Card To Square Cash,


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