
How To Add A Co Host In Webex Before Meeting

With many video conferencing programs, the person who starts the meeting is the host, and they can transfer this power to a participant. Webex is no different and also has similar functionality, where the host is allowed to alter the roles of participants. This allows the new host to continue the meeting or record it if the original host has to leave the meeting.

How to Change Hosts in Webex

As long every bit yous're the host, you have the ability to transfer the office to some other person. However, the participant has to have video enabled, as those who are only connected via audio can't be hosts. Additionally, if you, equally the host, disconnect for any reason, Webex will reassign the function to another person.

The order of hosting goes as follows:

  1. Alternating host
  2. Signed-in presenter
  3. Attendee
  4. Presenters who aren't signed in
  5. Attendees who aren't signed in
  6. Participants who dial in from a device

Every bit long equally at that place'south someone in the coming together, they take a chance of becoming the new host.

How To Changes Hosts in Webex on a Mac

On Mac, the steps are quite similar, as the developers made Webex's functioning the same across all computer operating systems. Every bit such, while the window might look different, the steps are virtually identical. You lot should have no trouble using the desktop app even beyond different operating systems.

This is how you lot'll change hosts on Webex for Mac:

  1. Launch Webex on your Mac.
  2. Start a meeting, with yous being the host.
  3. Invite participants and wait for them to arrive.
  4. Navigate to the "Participants" panel when you desire to alter hosts.
  5. From the list, right-click the name of the participant to whom you desire to transfer the host part.
  6. Select "Change Role To."
  7. Select "Host." The chosen participant will at present be the host.

Simply equally on Linux, the new host has all the privileges any host has. The bicycle can exist connected should the new host have to leave as well.

How To Change Hosts in Webex on Windows 10

On the original platform for Webex, changing hosts is very piece of cake. You tin practice it in simply a few clicks and then transfer the part. The steps are the same every bit on Linux and Mac OS.

Hither are the steps for changing hosts on Webex for Windows 10:

  1.  Launch Webex on your Windows ten PC.
  2. Kickoff a meeting; by default, you're the host.
  3. Invite participants and wait for them to sign in.
  4. Navigate to the "Participants" console when y'all want to change hosts.
  5. From the list, right-click the name of the person you desire to make the host.
  6. Select "Modify Role To."
  7. Select "Host." The chosen participant will at present be the host.

How To Change Hosts in Webex on Android

On Android, the process is different, but the idea is similar to what it is on computers. You'll have to be the initial host yourself and and so transfer the function to another person.

This is how you would make someone else the host on Android:

  1. On your Android phone, launch the Webex app.
  2. Start a meeting.
  3. Invite and wait for the participants to arrive.
  4. Select "Participants," which is represented by a human-shaped icon.
  5. Select the name of the person you lot want to make the host.
  6. Select "Brand Host." The person will now have the role of host.

At present, let'due south take a look at the steps for iPhone.

How To Change Hosts in Webex on the iPhone

Follow the same steps on your iPhone every bit you would on Android. In that location'southward no difference between the two operating systems.

  1. On your iPhone, launch the Webex app.
  2. Showtime a meeting.
  3. Invite and wait for the participants to arrive.
  4. Select "Participants" – the homo-shaped icon.
  5. Select the name of the person y'all want to make a host.
  6. Select "Make Host." The person will now have the part of host.

How to Add Alternative Hosts in Webex

Culling hosts have to be members of your Webex site or have their own host licenses if you want to make them an alternative host. Alternatively, y'all can still promote other participants to the role of co-host, only this can but be washed when the meeting starts.


These are the steps for making someone a co-host on Webex for Mac:

  1. Launch Webex on your Mac.
  2. Start a meeting.
  3. Invite some participants.
  4. When the coming together starts, get to the "Participants" console.
  5. From the listing of participants, right-click the proper noun of the person to which you want to transfer the host role.
  6. Select "Change Role To."
  7. Select "Make Cohost." The participant will receive the co-host role.

You tin also make someone a co-host beforehand, but they need to be members of your Webex site or have host licenses.

  1. Launch Webex.
  2. Sign in with your account.
  3. Select "Schedule A Coming together."
  4. In the "Invitees" field, add the attendees with their names separated past commas or semicolons.
  5. Select the human-shaped icon.
  6. Designate an attendee to be co-host.

Windows 10

On a Windows 10 PC, you only need to follow the instructions below to brand a participant a co-host during a coming together. They don't have to be a member of your site or accept a host license if you apply this method.

  1. Launch Webex on your Windows 10 PC.
  2. Start a meeting.
  3. Invite participants.
  4. When the meeting starts, go to the "Participants" panel.
  5. From the listing of participants, right-click the name of the participant to whom you want to transfer the host role.
  6. Select "Change Function To."
  7. Select "Make Cohost." The participant will become co-host.

If the participant y'all want to make co-host is a member of your Webex site or has a host license, you can employ this method to make them co-host earlier the meeting starts.

  1. Launch Webex.
  2. Sign in with your business relationship.
  3. Select "Schedule A Meeting."
  4. In the "Invitees" field, add the attendees with their names separated by commas or semicolons.
  5. Select the human being-shaped icon.
  6. Designate an attendee to be co-host.


If you desire to make someone a co-host on your Android phone, follow these steps:

  1. On your Android telephone, launch the Webex app.
  2. Start a meeting.
  3. Invite and expect for the participants to arrive.
  4. Select "Participants," represented by a human-shaped icon.
  5. Select the name of the person you lot desire to brand a host.
  6. Select "Make Cohost." The person will now have the role of host.


The same steps on Android also piece of work with Webex for iPhone.

  1. On your iPhone, launch the Webex app.
  2. Starting time a meeting.
  3. Invite and look for the participants to arrive.
  4. Select "Participants," represented by a human being-shaped icon.
  5. Select the proper noun of the person y'all want to make a host.
  6. Select "Make Cohost." The person will now accept the function of host.

How to Modify Roles in Webex?

On all platforms, y'all can go to the Participants tab and select any attendee. By borer or right-clicking their names, you can change their roles.

OK, You're Now Host

Now that you know how to change hosts in Webex on all platforms, y'all tin manage the meeting more efficiently. Having a co-host can besides work wonders, especially if y'all need to leave the meeting. You can assign the role to anyone in the meeting you wish.

Do yous like using the role assigning system in Webex? Are there some new roles y'all would similar to see? Let us know in the comments department below.

How To Add A Co Host In Webex Before Meeting,


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