
Mrs Das Interpreter Of Maladies

"Interpreter of Maladies" (1999) is a short story from an award-winning collection of the aforementioned name by Indian American author Jhumpa Lahiri. It explores the clash of cultures between an Indian American family on holiday in Republic of india and their local tour guide. The curt story collection has sold over 15 million copies and has been translated into more 20 languages. Keep reading to find out more virtually the characters, cultural differences and more.

"Interpreter of Maladies": by Jhumpa Lahiri

Jhumpa Lahiri was born in London, the United Kingdom, in 1967. Her family moved to Rhode Island when she was three. Lahiri grew up in the United states and considers herself American. As the daughter of Indian immigrants from the state of W Bengal, her literature is concerned with the immigrant experience and their subsequent generations. Lahiri's fiction is oft inspired by her parents and her feel visiting family in Kolkata, India.

When she was writing Interpreter of Maladies, a short story collection that too features the short story of the same name, she did not consciously choose the subject of culture clash.ane Rather, she wrote almost the experiences that were familiar to her. Growing up, she ofttimes felt embarrassed by her bicultural identity. As an adult, she feels she has learned to have and reconcile the two. Lahiri said that having the ii cultures mingle on the written page has helped her process her experiences.two

Interpreter of maladies, portrait of author Jhumpa Lahiri, StudySmarter Jhumpa Lahiri served on the lath of an art committee in the Obama Administration. Wikimedia Eatables

"Interpreter of Maladies": Characters

Below is a listing of the principal characters.

Mr. Das

Mr. Das is the father of the Das family. He works equally a centre schoolhouse teacher and is more concerned with amateur photography than tending to his children. It's more important to him to nowadays his family every bit happy in a vacation photograph than provide protection for them from the monkeys.

Mrs. Das

Mrs. Das is the female parent of the Das family. After marrying young, she is dissatisfied and alone as a housewife. She doesn't seem interested in the emotional lives of her children and is consumed with guilt over her secret affair.

Mr. Kapasi

Kapasi is the tour guide that the Das family unit hires. He curiously observes the Das family and becomes romantically interested in Mrs. Das. He is dissatisfied with his marriage and his career. He fantasizes about having a correspondence with Mrs. Das, but upon realizing her emotional immaturity, he loses his affection for her.

Ronnie Das

Ronnie Das is the eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Das'southward children. He'southward generally curious but hateful to his younger brother Bobby. He has no respect for his begetter's authority.

Bobby Das

Bobby Das is the illegitimate son of Mrs. Das and Mr. Das's visiting friend. He is curious and audacious similar his older brother. He and the family, other than Mrs. Das, are unaware of his true paternal lineage.

Tina Das

Tina Das is the youngest child and only daughter of the Das family. Similar her siblings, she is very curious. She seeks the attention of her mother but mostly is ignored by her parents.

"Interpreter of Maladies": Summary

The Das family unit is taking a holiday in Republic of india and hired Mr. Kapasi as their driver and bout guide. Equally the story begins, they expect past a tea stand in Mr. Kapasi'south motorcar. The parents debate over who should take Tina to the bathroom. Ultimately, Mrs. Das takes her reluctantly. Her daughter wants to concord her female parent'due south hand, just Mrs. Das ignores her. Ronny leaves the auto to meet a goat. Mr. Das orders Bobby to look afterward his brother, but Bobby ignores his begetter.

The Das family unit are on their way to visit the Sun Temple in Konarak, India. Mr. Kapasi notices how young the parents expect. Although the Das family unit looks Indian, their clothes and manner are undoubtedly American. He chats with Mr. Das while they expect. Mr. Das's parents live in Republic of india, and the Dases come up to visit them every few years. Mr. Das works as a scientific discipline centre schoolhouse teacher.

Tina returns without their female parent. Mr. Das asks where she is, and Mr. Kapasi notices Mr. Das refers to her first name when speaking with Tina. Mrs. Das returns with puffed rice she bought from a vendor. Mr. Kapasi gives her a closer look, noticing her dress, figure, and legs. She sits in the back seat and eats her puffed rice without sharing. They keep towards their destination.

Interpreter of maladies, sun temple in India, StudySmarter The Sunday Temple serves equally a symbol of the cultural differences in "Interpreter of Maladies." Wikimedia Eatables

Along the road, the children are excited to see monkeys, and Mr. Kapasi brakes the car suddenly to avoid hitting one. Mr. Das asks to stop the car and so that he can accept photos. Mrs. Das begins to paint her nails, ignoring her daughter'south wish to bring together her activity. Once they go along, Bobby asks Mr. Kapasi why they drive on the "wrong" side of the road in Bharat. Mr. Kapasi explains that information technology'south the reverse in the United states, which he learned from watching an American tv set show. They stop once more for Mr. Das to take a photo of a poor, starving Indian human being and his animals.

While waiting for Mr. Das, Mr. Kapasi and Mrs. Das strike up a conversation. He works a second job as a translator for a doctor'due south function. Mrs. Das describes his work every bit romantic. Her annotate flatters him and ignites his developing attraction to her. He originally took the 2d job to pay for his ill son's medical bills. Now he continues it to support his family's material lifestyle because of the guilt he feels of losing their son.

The group takes a lunch stop. Mrs. Das invites Mr. Kapasi to eat with them. Mr. Das has his wife and Mr. Kapasi pose for a photograph. Mr. Kapasi delights in the closeness to Mrs. Das and her olfactory property. She asks for his address, and he begins to fantasize about a alphabetic character correspondence. He imagines sharing near their unhappy marriages and how their friendship turns into a romance.

The grouping reaches the Lord's day Temple, an enormous sandstone pyramid adorned with chariot statues. Mr. Kapasi is intimately familiar with the site, but the Das family approaches every bit tourists, with Mr. Das reading a tour guide aloud. They admire sculpted scenes of nude lovers. While looking at another statute, Mrs. Das asks Mr. Kapasi about it. He answers and begins to fantasize more about their letter correspondence, in which he teaches her about India, and she teaches him about America. This fantasy virtually feels similar his dream of existence an interpreter between nations. He begins to dread Mrs. Das'due south departure and suggests a detour, to which the Das family unit agrees.

Interpreter of Maladies, monkeys near temple, StudySmarter The temple monkeys are usually gentle unless provoked and agitated. Wikimedia Commons

Mrs. Das says she'southward likewise tired and stays behind with Mr. Kapasi in the car while the residual exit, followed by monkeys. While they both sentry Bobby interact with a monkey, Mrs. Das reveals to the stunned Mr. Kapasi that her heart son was conceived during an matter. She believes Mr. Kapasi can help her considering he's an "interpreter of maladies." She'south never shared this secret before and begins to share more than nearly her dissatisfied spousal relationship. She and Mr. Das were childhood friends and used to feel passionate about each other. Once they had children, Mrs. Das became overwhelmed with the responsibility. She had an affair with a visiting friend of Mr. Das, and no one knows except her and now Mr. Kapasi.

Mrs. Das asks for guidance from Mr. Kapasi, who offers to act equally a mediator. Beginning, he asks her nigh the guilt she feels. This upsets her, and she angrily exits the motorcar, unconsciously eating the puffed rice while steadily dropping a trail of crumbs. Mr. Kapasi'due south romantic interest in her quickly evaporates. Mrs. Das catches up with the rest of the family unit, and only when Mr. Das is set up for the family photograph do they realize that Bobby is missing.

They detect him being attacked past monkeys who accept go excited afterwards eating the puffed rice crumbs. Mr. Kapasi uses a stick to beat them away. He scoops up Bobby and easily him to the parents, who tend to his wound. Mr. Kapasi notices the piece of paper with his address drift abroad in the current of air while he watches the family from a distance.

"Interpreter of Maladies": Analysis

Jhumpa Lahiri wanted to juxtapose on the written page an intermingling of Indian American culture with that of Indian culture. Growing upward, she felt straddled between these ii cultures. Lahiri uses symbols in the story to draw attention to the superficial similarities betwixt the characters, such as their physical ethnic features and the deeply embedded cultural differences in behavior and presentation.


At that place are 4 fundamental symbols in "Interpreter of Maladies."

The Puffed Rice

Everything well-nigh Mrs. Das'south actions around the puffed rice represents her immaturity. She carelessly leaves a trail that endangers 1 of her sons. She doesn't offering to share it with anyone. She anxiously eats it when she experiences undesirable emotions. In essence, the puffed rice represents her self-centered mindset and corresponding behavior.

The Monkeys

The monkeys represent an always-present danger to the Das family unit due to their negligence. The Das family unit more often than not seems unaware or unconcerned. For example, both parents seem unfazed when the monkey causes Mr. Kapasi to brake. Their negligence leads their son Bobby to danger, quite literally; Mrs. Das's trail of food leads the monkeys to Bobby. Earlier, Bobby plays with a monkey, foreshadowing his courage yet lack of rubber or ability to ascertain present dangers. While Mr. Das is distractedly taking photos and Mrs. Das is angrily eating the puffed rice, monkeys are attacking their son Bobby.

The Camera

The photographic camera symbolizes the economic disparity between the Das family unit and Mr. Kapasi and India in general. At one bespeak, Mr. Das uses his expensive camera to photograph a starving peasant and his animals. This emphasizes the gap between Mr. Das equally an American now and his Indian roots. The land is poorer than the United States. Mr. Das tin can afford to take vacations and have expensive devices to record the trip, while Mr. Kapasi works ii jobs to support his family.

The Lord's day Temple

The Dominicus Temple is merely a tourist attraction for the Das family. They learn about information technology from tour guides. Mr. Kapasi, on the other hand, has a closer human relationship with the temple. Information technology's one of his favorite places, and he is quite knowledgeable about it. This serves to highlight the disparity between the Indian American Das family and the Indian culture of Mr. Kapasi. They may share ethnic roots, just culturally they are quite dissimilar and strangers to each other.

"Interpreter of Maladies": Themes

There are iii main themes in "Interpreter of Maladies."

Fantasy and Reality

Compare and contrast Mr. Kapasi's fantasy of Mrs. Das versus the reality of Mrs. Das. She'due south a young mother who refuses to take responsibleness for her actions and her children. Mr. Kapasi notices this at start but becomes enchanted at the possibility of their written correspondence.

Accountability and Responsibility

Both the Das parents exhibit behaviors that one would expect between siblings. Both seem averse to taking responsibility for their children. When their attention is requested, similar when their daughter Tina asks to go to the bathroom, they either delegate the task to the other parent or ignore them. The children, in plow, exercise the aforementioned to the parents of their requests, such equally when Mr. Das asks Ronnie to watch Bobby. It becomes a roughshod circumvolve where everyone's human relationship becomes locked in a stasis of sorts. The children can simply larn from others, and the behaviors they imitate from their parents reflect Mr. and Mrs. Das'due south immaturity as adults. Mr. and Mrs. Das may carry jobs and roles as adults, but their lack of growth becomes apparent in their interactions with family unit and others.

Cultural Identity

Writer Jhumpa Lahiri remarks that she felt caught betwixt two worlds as a "Interpreter of Maladies" is literally an interplay of this on the written page. Mr. Kapasi frequently notices strange behavior between the Das family. Their lack of formality and their unwillingness to perform parental duties strike him equally kittenish. This strangeness to the family civilisation also emphasizes his place as an outsider. One's cultural identity can be a barrier to connecting with another culture, especially if there is a lack of shared values in communication.

Cultural Differences in "Interpreter of Maladies"

The most prominent theme in "Interpreter of Maladies" is civilisation clash. The story follows the perspective of a native resident of Bharat as he observes acute differences between his civilization and that of an Indian American family on vacation. Front and heart are the differences between the Das family and Mr. Kapasi. The Das family unit represents Americanized Indians, while Mr. Kapasi represents the civilisation of India.


Mr. Kapasi immediately notes that the Das family addresses each other in a casual, familiar way. The reader can presume that Mr. Kapasi would be expected to address an elder with a particular title, such as Mister or Miss.

Mr. Das refers to Mrs. Das as Mina when speaking to his daughter, Tina.

Attire and Presentation

Lahiri, through the perspective of Mr. Kapasi, details the mode of wearing apparel and appearance of the Das family.

Bobby and Ronny both have big shiny braces, which Mr. Kapasi notices. Mrs. Das dresses in a western manner, revealing more than skin than Mr. Das is used to seeing.

The Meaning of Their Roots

For Mr. Kapasi, Republic of india and its historical monuments are highly revered. He's intimately familiar with the Sun Temple, i of his favorite pieces of his ethnic heritage. Nevertheless, to the Das family, India is a identify where their parents live, and they come up to visit as tourists. They're completely disconnected from commonplace experiences similar the starving human and his animals. For Mr. Das, it's a tourist allure to photo and share with friends back in America

"Interpreter of Maladies" - Key takeaways

  • "Interpreter of Maladies" is a short story written by Indian American author Jhumpa Lahiri.
  • The subject of her work tends to focus on the coaction betwixt immigrant cultures and their subsequent generations.
  • "Interpreter of Maladies" focuses on the culture clash betwixt local Indian resident Mr. Kapasi and the Das family from America who are visiting India.
  • Major themes are fantasy and reality, responsibility and accountability, and cultural identity.
  • The main symbols are the puffed rice, the Sunday Temple, the monkeys, and the photographic camera.

1. Lahiri, Jhumpa. "My Two Lives". Newsweek. March 5, 2006.

2. Moore, Lorrie, editor. 100 Years of the All-time American Short Stories (2015).

Mrs Das Interpreter Of Maladies,


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