
How To Add Caption To Image In Word

You tin add captions to figures, equations, or other objects. A caption is a numbered label, such every bit "Figure 1", that y'all tin add to a figure, a tabular array, an equation, or another object. It's comprised of customizable text ("Figure", "Table", "Equation" or something else that you type) followed by an ordered number or letter ("ane, 2, 3..." or "a, b, c..." typically) which tin can be optionally followed by some additional, descriptive, text if you similar.

A caption with a label and a number

1. Text that you select or create.

2. Number that Word inserts for yous

If you later add, delete, or motility captions, you tin can easily update the caption numbers all at once.

You lot tin also utilize those captions to create a table of the captioned items for example, a table of figures or a tabular array of equations.

What do you want to do?

Click the topic, or topics, below that interest you.

Tip:If y'all want to be able to motion the effigy and caption as 1 object, or wrap text around the figure and caption, follow the instructions for adding captions to floating objects below.

  1. Select the object (table, equation, figure, or another object) that y'all want to add a caption to.

  2. On the References tab, in the Captions group, click Insert Caption.

    Office 14 Ribbon

  3. In the Characterization listing, select the label that best describes the object, such as a figure or equation. If the list doesn't provide the characterization you want, click New Label, type the new label in the Characterization box, and so click OK.

    Use the caption dialog to set options for your figure, table or equation captions.
  4. Type any text, including punctuation, that you want to appear subsequently the label.

    Type any optional custom text for your captions in the label field.
  5. Click OK.

Note: Discussion inserts the sequential caption number as a field. If your caption looks similar to "Effigy {SEQ Table \* ARABIC}", Word is displaying field codes instead of field results. To see the explanation usually, press ALT+F9.

If you lot want to be able to wrap text effectually the object and explanation, or yous want to be able to move the object and the caption as one unit, you need to group the object and the explanation together.

  1. Insert your figure.

  2. Choose Layout Options and select i of the With Text Wrapping choices.

    Important:You should do this step earlier you insert your caption. If you've already inserted the explanation, delete it, do this footstep, then re-add your caption.

    Click layout options to choose how text will flow around your inserted image.
  3. Add together your caption using the steps listed in "Add together captions" above.

  4. Select your caption then concur down the shift key and select your effigy.

  5. Right click on either item and cull Group > Grouping.

    Group your image and caption together so they can be moved together.

Now text should flow around your effigy and caption every bit expected, and the figure and caption volition stay together if you move them somewhere else on the page or in the document.

Note:If you move your figure it's a good idea to update your caption numbers (see below) only to make sure your numbering is still in the correct social club.

If yous insert a new caption, Word automatically updates the explanation numbers. Nonetheless, if y'all delete or move a caption, you must manually commencement a caption update.

  1. Click anywhere in the document and printing CTRL+A to select the entire certificate.

  2. Right-click, so choose Update Field on the shortcut menu. All of the captions in the certificate should now be updated.

Tip:You can also update captions by selecting the entire document and then pressing F9.

Once you've added at least one explanation to your document you should meet a new manner displayed on the way gallery called "Caption". To change the formatting of your captions throughout your certificate simply right-click that fashion on the gallery and choose Modify. Here yous can set font size, color, type and other options that volition utilise to your captions.

Right-click the Caption style in the Styles gallery to modify the formatting of your captions.

For more data nigh modifying styles in Discussion run into Customize styles in Word

To delete a caption select it with your mouse and press Delete. If you take additional captions in your certificate when you're finished deleting the ones you want to remove, you should update them. Press CTRL+A to select all of the text in your document and and so printing F9 to update all. That will ensure that your caption numbers are correct after you've removed the ones you lot didn't want.

See also

  • Add chapter numbers to captions in Word

  • Insert a table of figures

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How To Add Caption To Image In Word,


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